Why Join our Partner ?

Our partner plans are secure, dependable means to save weekly, withdraw money and also receive added bonuses.
Achieve your short term goals within four, six, eight or 12 months simply enroll in one of our partner plans starting as low as $2500 and throw as many hands as you like. Payments can be done weekly fortnightly and monthly.

Our Christmas Partner plan is a bonus  bearing partner plan which allows you to throw any hand from $2500-$6500 per week for 16 weeks to help finance Christmas expenses. It’s only available for the months of August through December. All it takes to get started is a valid ID, TRN and online banking fill out the form.

The hand is drawn in December with a bonus given to only those who kept up steadily with their payments. No bonuses will be given for late payments. The Bonuses are dependent on the time period larger bonuses coincide with longer time periods.